Beans Hand Picked

Approximately $3.50 each $14.00 per kg


What and Where A thin and delicate variety of green bean that, due to its tenderness, must be harvested by carefully trained people, not picked by a rough and ready machine. Our hand picked green beans are grown in Victoria and Queensland, see below for details. We don’t buy from particular growers, we buy whatever looks good on the day.

Flavour Green and mild

Texture Once cooked, tender but still firm

Use Hand picked green beans can be steamed or boiled and served as a side with toasted almonds, lemon rind, tarragon or parmesan crumbs. They can also be added to a salad with feta and mint or with tuna, tomato, olives and a boiled egg. Hand picked green beans can also be mixed into a stir fry with garlic and ginger.

Cooking Tip Our hand picked green beans need no special preparation – just trim the stems and cook as desired.

Selection and Storage Choose firm beans that are free of blemishes and wrinkles. Keep refrigerated in a plastic bag.

In Season Available all year. Our hand picked green beans are grown in Gympie near the Sunshine Coast in Queensland from May to late October and in Bairnsdale, near Lakes Entrance in Victoria from November to May.

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