Cucumbers Lebanese

Approximately $1.30 each $10.00 per kg


What and Where The Lebanese cucumber is shorter than a Continental or Telegraph cucumber. Its skin is thinner skin and brighter and its seeds are smaller and more tender. Cucumber itself is a very old fruit – it has been cultivated for at least 3,000 years and originated in India. Our Lebanese cucumbers are grown in Adelaide. We don’t buy from one particular grower; we buy whatever is best on the day.

Flavour Clean and refreshing and just slightly sweeter than a Continental cucumber

Texture Crunchy and cool

Use Lebanese cucumbers, just like Continental cucumbers are very versatile. They can both be added to Mediterranean-style salads, especially with feta and tomato and dill, or made into a Middle Eastern dip with yoghurt and mint, or served with Asian-inspired dishes – from sushi to satay.  

Cooking Tip To create those lovely cucumber ribbons you sometimes see in restaurants and recipe books just top and tail the cucumber than slice down the side with the sort of vegetable peeler that is wide and flat. When you reach the central core of seeds turnover and start from the other side. This little preparation trick also works very well with carrots and zucchini.

Selection and Storage Choose a firm cucumber (there should be no soft spots) and keep refrigerated. 

In Season Available all year