Peas Snowpeas

$24.95 per kg


What and Where Snowpeas are a variety pea that is picked early while its pod is still flat and tender. Our snowpeas are grown in Victoria and Queensland, see below for details. We don’t buy from particular snowpea growers; we buy whatever looks best on the day.

Flavour Bright, green and sweet

Texture Tender but still with a pleasing bite

Use Unlike regular peas, snow peas (and sugar snaps) can be eaten pod and all. Scatter over a leaf salad; snip into a lentil salad; blanch and serve as a side with lemon zest or flaked almonds; stir fry with ginger and chili; float onto a spicy broth or a creamy Laksa.

Cooking Tip Once snow peas make contact with heat they loose their crispness quickly, so add at the last minute to any cooked dishes so that they maintain their pleasing bite.

Selection and Storage Choose firm and blemish-free snow peas. Refrigerate.

In Season Available all year. From November to May our snowpeas are grown in Koo Wee Rup, 65km south-east of Melbourne city. From June to October they’re grown in Bundaberg in Queensland.

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